TEXNH Corporate Partners and Sponsors

Please don't hesitate to contact us, should you be interested in supporting us with a corporate sponsorship. There are differnet corporate sponsorship packages available.

TEXNH Partners and Sponsors

Athens Metro: Attic Metro Operating Company         Athens Voice: 	Weekly Free Press Magazine for Athens         Blue Star Ferries: Ferry services from the Greek mainland to the Aegean Islands                     

Emporiki Bank: Greek bank                            Free Sunday:	 Weekly Free Press, issued every Sunday   

Galaxy 92: Radio Station in Athens           Kathimerini: newspaper (nation-wide)          Live24.gr: Greek radio station streaming services

            Holy Monastery of Patmos       Mega Chanel: TV station  (nation-wide)       morro images: Visual Effects and Animation Studio

   Radio Station of Ecclesia of Piraeus     SKAI: TV & Radio Station (nation-wide)


Private Sponsoring

We have tremendous costs for costumes, technical equipment, travel, accomodation, salary of technicians etc.

We are very grateful for any contribution you can make towards our work, so that we can show "Apocalypse" during next year again.

We are thankful for the personal financial help of:

Prof . Dr. Horst Hoffmann, Germany
Waltraud Hoffmann, Germany
Dr. Rainer Neumann, Germany
Dr. Jean-Louis Pincon, France
Pascal Vrebos, Belgique
Till Sterzenbach, Germany
Barbara Hoffmann, Greece
Konrad Theiss, Germany
Trude-Eipperle-Rieger-Stiftung, Germany
Athina Salafera, Greece
Annette Roeser-Letitzky, Germany
Familie Koch, Germany
Susanne Sterzenbach
Frau Luise Mueller, Germany
TEXNH Financial Information:
National Bank of Greece, Patmos
IBAN : GR 86 0110 4580 0000 4584 4005 699